Monday, October 6, 2008

Skills: Stealth Movement

Want to learn some basic skills to scare your friends and enemies?  I thought so.

Moving around:
-Don't try and miss every single leaf/obstruction.  Doing so creates two problems.  1) it takes WAY too long.  2) missing every obstruction creates a deadening of sound.  That is, you actually want a little sound.  Small sounds are usually taken as natural sounds.  This lulls your target into thinking all is well.
-MOVE SLOWLY.  Take your time.  Think out your moves before you take them. Moving too quickly makes more noise.  Now like I said, SOME noise is good.  However, make sure it is natural noise.
-Stick to shadows.  Even a sunny field has shadows.  Keep low and stick to shadows in order to stay stealthy.
-finally, just be in the mode.  Think of being hidden and stealthy.  Mind over matter does help in the fact that it helps you to focus on the skill.


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