Monday, September 29, 2008


So you wanna learn how to go ghost?  It can actually be a tad difficult to do.  You must become adequate in multiple skills and be able to use any weapon.

-a really good pistol (you will probably use this the most)
-a rifle
-a SMG

-stealth movement

tune in  later for posts on these skills......
Plus a post on my GHOST load-out



Eternal Struggle

So what is better, a rifle or SMG?
Well it depends on what situation you are in.  Many will argue that a rifle covers all situations, while others say the same 4 sub-machine guns.  I have found though that either is suitable.  Rifles are extremely accurate while SMGs put out a high rate of fire.  But like I said before, it depends on the situation.  In close quarters, like a building, a SMG can give you the edge due to its more compact size and higher rate of fire.  For larger distances a rifle can be better.

SMG does not include full auto RIFLES.  The characteristics of a SMG are shorter/compact body, really fast shooting (high rate of fire), and a little less firepower.
Full auto RIFLES are larger, slower firing and have much more power.

ex.   MP5 = SMG


Just rely on instincts.  Use whatever you feel works for you.  Buzzkill, from my team, uses a spring rifle all the time.  Even in CQB.  I switch around between both.  Some other members don't really have a choice and use whatever they can lol........


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Weekend Gaming

So this past weekend my friends and I were going to go out and play a game of airsoft...... well that didn't happen.  Rain can be a major downer.  But that doesn't always have to be.  Rain and other elements can make a game more interesting... if you prepare for it properly.
To play during "bad" weather......
*Take rain gear of any type.  It is important that you take care of yourself.  ITS JUST A GAME SO DON'T LET YOURSELF GET SICK
*Keep your weapons dry.  Don't pull them out until you really need to.  Spring powered rifles are fine to keep out but make sure you DRY and CLEAN your guns afterwards.  Electric rifles..... Electricity+Water=bad mix.  Probably should keep them inside.  Make it a spring match.  That could be interesting.
*Dress warmly.  Even if you think you will be too hot, its better to be warm and be able to remove layers than cold and can't put them on.

Rain can add mystique to a match but it can also be dangerous.  If it is raining to hard and/or you hear thunder, it is time to call it quits.  Be safe, if it seems dangerous it probably is.  Use common sense.
And even if your game gets rained out, try searching for an indoor arena.  Ask local authorities about abandoned buildings or talk to the owners.  They may just be willing to let you use it.  Some might want to charge you so use your own judgement on that.

Remember to have fun and be safe!


Monday, September 15, 2008


So here we have 2 of the patches on my bdu jacket.  Notice both are subdued.  I don't really feel like getting shot.  =^_^=
The top was just one that was given to me and i am not sure exactly what it is for... pitiful huh?  Instead we just use it sorta to distinguish between all of us.  The bottom is the patch for Pennsylvania.  Nicknamed the bloody kettle it is one of my favorite patches.


Sweet Gun

Alrighty then.... Yes it is a shotgun with a bipod. =^_^=
The thing attached via purple duct-tape is a high grade laser pointer, but... it came with 3/8 inch mounts instead of the 1/2 inch mounts i needed. :(  Thumb press button activation.  Very powerful. ;P
And yes the shells are used.  Each shell is a magazine that holds 14 rounds.  Very nice.  Fires at about 380 fps.
Future plans.... muahahaha possibly a small scope for indoor/close sniping.
Yay for being evil!



Thursday, September 11, 2008

A moment of Silence

Please remember to give a moment of silence for those lost those many years ago.
Let this remind you why we were at war.  Let us hope that it ends soon and our many soldiers can come home to their loved ones.
Remember to pray.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Basic Load-Out: Starting You Out

Thinking of creating your own team?  Or are you just planning on messing around?  Either way, if you want to have a base load-out to go off of, here it is.

The Rifleman
 -the rifleman is what a unit is based on.  The rifleman is also the base for all other gear types in a unit.  It is easy to vary the gear and modify it to your own needs.
*NOTE= this is only a suggestion!  you are not bound in any way to follow my suggestions!

simple version
  • BDUs = A good set of camo clothing aids well.  Probably a sturdy jacket and long pants along with a cap and boots. Also GOGGLES are a MUST.  Eye shots hurt.  Believe me I know.  Plus it adds kind of an intimidation factor. =^_^=
  • Rifle = rifle should be, maybe at first, a strong spring action rifle.  Size does not matter but power is key.  Later on you may opt for a full auto rifle.  *KEY NOTE notice I said rifle not smg.  A rifle is a more reliable primary weapon.
  • Pistol = you should always have a pistol with you.  If you ever run out of ammo it could be a lifesaver.  Plus, during close quarters combat, cqb, a pistol is easier to swing around.  Usually the more powerful the pistol the better.
  • Knife = No this is not for use against your opponents!!!!  The knife could be as simple as a swiss army knife.  Useful for on the spot repairs and brush clearing.  Also can be used in emergency situations.


Monday, September 8, 2008


Welcome to Airsoft Load-Out!  On this blog I will talk about different gear loud-outs for various situations and styles.  Also, there will be various reviews on airsoft guns.  Stay updated on the fast growing sport of airsoft!